Friday, April 15, 2011


Wait...I have heard this word so often lately. Of course in our journey as a family this is where we are...waiting. But it seems many people are here as well. We may all be in different seasons of life, but it seems waiting is inevitable. For some it is only a short time, for others it is longer.

In our culture today, we cannot stand to wait. We want everything fast, and usually fast isn't fast enough. We want it faster. We want it now! I think one of the reasons I have such a hard time waiting is because I want control. When I have to wait, I don't have any control in the situation. And patience is a virtue that I do not yet posses. Don't know about you, but I am definitely still a work in progress!

Just this past weekend someone brought to my attention a bible story that I have heard a thousand times before but had casually read over key parts. We have all heard the story of Noah. I think we hear this story so often while we are young we often skip all the waiting. Not only did Noah build this ginormous boat when everyone around him thought he was crazy, but after he did as the Lord told him to loading up his entire family along with 2 of every kind of animal, he had to wait. He is in tight quarters with smelly animals and the Lord makes him wait 7 LONG days before one drop of rain. I bet that was the longest week ever! He probably had a lot of doubt during that time whether this whole flood thing was going to happen or not. And I am sure the towns people really thought he was nuts! Then again after the flood waters stopped-more waiting! Noah-his family-and the animals had to be ready to get off that boat! But the time wasn't right and the Lord made them wait even longer. It was 150 days after the flood waters stopped before God "remembered" Noah.

This is just one of many stories in scripture that the Lord required a time of waiting. Not sure if you are in a time of waiting or not. If you aren't right now, it is almost a guarantee that you have been before and you will be again. I am confident that the Lord uses these times to teach us valuable lessons, but that doesn't change the fact that waiting STINKS!
The following songs have been on my mind all day. If you like any songs that have to do with waiting leave them in the comments section to share!
Everlasting God (Strength will Rise) and We Will Wait

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