Monday, January 7, 2013

Ethiopian Adventure Part 2

The 2 years leading up to this trip had been very long and hard, but this 24 hrs before we got to meet him seemed even longer! If you haven't ever flown internationally-it is not fun! In fact, I would go as far as to say that I loathe it. I have made the trip to Africa 4 times now, and I feel like it gets longer every time.

After Jonathon leaving his backpack(with every important adoption paper in it!) on the airport shuttle, our driver not picking us up in Addis (where we do not speak the language or know anyone!), and our room reservation being given away, we FINALLY made it to the safety of our guest house in the same city as our soon to be son! Like I said LONG 24 hrs!

We take a fast shower and head to the house he has been living! We were so excited, our hearts could have lept out of our chests! We arrive at the house, everyone is thrilled to have American visitors, so all the older kids are gathering around. One of the nannies leads us through the house and into his room. It is a moment I will never forget.

Our sweet baby boy was sleeping so peacefully in the outfit we had sent him, clinging to one of the toys we had sent as well. Although he was in a deep sleep, he was absolutely gorgeous and my heart immediately confirmed this is our son.

I had thought that from the time we first heard about him in June and saw his pictures, even though he was very sick. And all those weeks of skyping and getting to see him through a screen. But there in that little room, with several cribs filled with other babies, I will always cherish the moment I first saw my son.  In that moment, all of my fears slipped away.

We let him sleep as we gave out Christmas presents and supplies. But as soon as he awoke, he was in our arms. He immediately warmed up to Jonathon-this boy LOVES his daddy! Me, he wasn't so sure about at first. He didn't cry, he is a very content, happy baby. He just seemed confused. I am VERY different than the nannies or any women he has come in contact with. He was perplexed by my hair especially.

Then, off we went back to our hostile to enjoy getting to know our little one!

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