Tuesday, August 14, 2012

We Got the Call!

We got the call!!! The one we had been waiting 18 long, hard months for!

It was Wednesday, June 27th, and I had just picked Emory up from her Mother's Day Out program. On the way home, I got a call from a number I didn't recognize. Usually I just let those go to vm, but for some reason, I answered it-and I am so glad I did! The voice on the other end was our agency director, and she said those precious words we have been longing to hear..."we have a baby for your family."

I was so shocked that a lot of what she said after that was kind of a blur. At this point I had pulled over on the side of road. I do remember her saying that she would be emailing us pictures in the next few minutes. When I got done with her, I immediately called Jonathon. I held it together on the phone with the agency, but I totally lost it when I heard Jonathon's voice. I am sure it completely freaked him out when he answered the phone and heard these loud sobs! By this time, Emory was crying because I was crying! I quickly told him everything was okay and explained the thrilling news we had just received.

He left work to meet us at home. Believe it or not, I actually had the restraint to wait for him to see the pictures of this sweet baby for the first time together! It was a moment we will always cherish.

Unfortunately we can't share a name or pictures online because it could interfere with the adoption. For now, we will call him "Baby G." Yes, that's right, it's a BOY!!! And another surprise for us was how young he is. When we got the call, he was only a month old! We were thinking we would get a child 1 1/2 to 2 yrs old, we couldn't believe how little he was. In fact, we actually have pictures of him before his cord stump had fallen off! If you know much about adoption, especially international, this is very rare.  An unexpected blessing.

Why we waited so long to tell you? When we got this call, we wanted to shout it from the rooftops! But, there is a reason we haven't said anything. Baby G's paperwork isn't ready. When the agency called, they expected it to be ready in 2-3 weeks. It has now been 7 weeks. And it still isn't ready. Lately, if you have asked us how it has been going with the adoption, we probably answered that we are still waiting. That has never been more true. The waiting has been more difficult than we imagined. Now we have a name and face, but still an uncertain future.

We wanted to share this with you now, in hopes that you will join us in praying for this precious little boy. Our heart yearns to be with him, show him love, hold him, and take care of his needs. Right now, all we can do is pray and trust-leaving him and our family in the Lord's hands.


  1. What an exciting post to read! I am so happy for you guys. God has a plan, and I will definitely be praying for you! Love you!

  2. YYYYYYAAAAAYYYY!!! I'm so happy for you guys and I can't wait to see pictures of your new little family. I'll be praying for you guys as you anxiously wait getting him in your arms.

  3. With just going through an adoption I know exactly how you feel. Praying with you. <3

  4. So exciting! Hope time passes quickly and you can introduce your new son to the world. Little boys are so much fun!

  5. Isn't God's timing curious . . . and PERFECT?!!! I am so excited for your little family to grow into the one God has planned for you! We will remember you in prayer. Enjoy the anticipation of finally holding him in your arms!
