WOW! It has been way too long! Sorry about the absence-we have been crazy, busy around here!
So many things going on!
I thought I would answer some questions that we get asked a lot.
Why Ethiopia?
As you read our story about what brought us to adopt here in the long version, you can tell that we have a heart for East Africa. I (Jess) feel in love with it over 10 years ago! When people say East Africa they are typically speaking of Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, and Ethiopia. Ethiopia is actually the only one of those countries that I have not been to, yet. The reason we are adopting from there and not one of the other 3 countries is simply because of the international adoption process. The other countries are not really open to US adoptions. Technically they say that they are, but really you must go and live there for the entire process-which is usually 2 years! We really prayed about it and actually tried while we were living in Kenya, but obviously the timing wasn't right and things did not work out. Uganda has recently started opening the doors some to US adoption, but it is a very new program that is still being worked out, and they are predominantly adopting out older children at this point.
Will it be a boy or girl?
Great question. Not sure the answer though. You can specify gender, but we chose not to. The odds are in favor of a boy, simply because more people request girls. But that is not definite, so we aren't buying blue yet!
How old will they be?
In the applications and paperwork you fill out, you specify age ranges that you feel comfortable with. Our agency strongly encourages not to disrupt the birth order-so they recommend your adopted child not be any older then your youngest child. We trusted them and followed their counsel. We requested younger than 1 year. Because the process is so lengthy they may be a little older when they get home with us. Our US immigration paperwork states that the child should be 18 months or younger.
How long is the process and where are you at in it?
You can see most of the steps here. And we have actually hit a little snag with our immigration application right now. There has been a slight delay for some reason. Our paperwork is currently in the "file room," while we should have received a fingerprint request. Truth be told, we don't know what that reason is right now. We know and understand the difficulties of working with foreign gov't, but this is the first time we have been witness to difficulties working with US gov't. It is hard to find the right person who can give us the answers we need, but we are still trying.
How much does this cost? Is it expensive?
Yes, it is expensive. It is sad how much it costs, and I think more people would be open to adoption if it didn't cost as much. There are a lot of people involved, a mountain of paperwork, gov't expenses, and travel. But the truth is, you cannot put a price on the life of a child. They are worth it. I recently saw a quote from the founder of one of my fav places to eat-Chikfila:) Dan Cathy said " If it's God-inspired dreams the He's given you, they will never fit in your checkbook or calendar."
I serve the Lord that owns it all! God is providing the money we need for our child, and if you are interested in adoption, I fully believe He will provide for you too.
How can we help?
There are a few different ways we could use your help. In the next week or so, I will let you know how you can help support our adoption effort not only financially but through something that will hopefully get the word out about this orphan crisis.
Truly, the most important thing you can do to support us is PRAY.
I don't say that casually either. Prayer is what has brought us to this point, and honestly, prayer is the only thing that is going to get us through this.
This process is challenging-emotionally, financially, and spiritually.
-Pray for our baby(which may or may not have even been born yet) I am overwhelmed when I even think of our precious innocent baby so far away from us and not knowing what situation, circumstances, or surroundings they are in
-Please pray for the process in general-that everything will be handled ethically, smoothly, and quickly as possible-Specifically right now please pray that our application will go through immigrations and not be held up any longer
-Please pray that the Lord will give us wisdom, guidance, and peace